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Alaska to California, Esperluette Creative Works the Entire West Coast

2020….sucked. That’s a fair thing to say and most people will agree with you; from a pandemic crossing the world to incredible civil unrest, 2020 challenged us in some breathtaking ways.

And. And we rose above. We reached out to help each other. We poured into each other’s lives. We challenged the way that work has been done for generations. We learned how to be together while staying apart. People still moved, bought their first home or their next home. Sold their past home. Started adventures. Stepped away from the crowd and found joy in baking bread, gardening and being still.

In 2020 Esperluette Creative grew in the most natural way, gently creeping up the coast to Alaska, and then through word of mouth, recommendations and connecting, all the way down to California.

2020 PNW.jpg

For 2021? Well, vaccinations are on their way, we’re all looking forward to returning to our favorite dance floor, restaurant and cityscape, but I’ll be curious how often we’ll long for the quiet moments that we have right now.

And for Esperluette Creative? Who knows where we’ll go this year, but I’m hopeful and that in itself is a tiny miracle to start the year on.

Happy 2021, everybody.