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Throw Back Thursday | 270 Degrees of Spectacular

Finailized Vertical Brochure, Custom Website Design and Custom Email Campaign

Finailized Vertical Brochure, Custom Website Design and Custom Email Campaign

Throw Back Thursday

The owners of this property loved all things outdoors, especially on the water, and they created a home that was meant to work with those ideals. The top floors act as an extensive luxury home where they can enjoy every moment and catch every sunset. The bottom floor acts as their “summer home” so they are never more than a few steps from the water. This property, to date, is one of my favorites!

Many real estate brokers are feeling a bit of a slow down with the current health issues we’re dealing with, though I do have several that are just rocking it right now, leaning into a potential buyer’s market. If you find that you’re stuck at home - whether by choice or circumstance - now is the time to update your marketing materials, get in front of any collateral projects that are outstanding, create a custom brand and even a stunning website.

What projects have you been putting off?